Monday, March 17, 2008

I don't stop to smell the roses...

My friends accuse me of not listening, not seeing the obvious, of talking too much, and my mom and my girlfriend say I just don't hug them enough. Can't they understand I am a work in progress?


mouse (aka kimy) said...

well once you get some ears, eyes and arms I'm sure all these complaints will melt away. aren't we all works in progress..... for some reason, you do remind me a little of certain fried named bert

thanks for popping over to my mousehole.

Cergie said...

You do me think at an Andersen's fairy tale. "The wild swans".
A sister had to knit pullovers for her 11 brothers with nettle. Her brothers were swans because of their terrible mother in law. With the pullovers they will become young beautiful princes again.
However she had not enough time and one of them had a pullover without sleeve. So he kept his swan wings...