Thursday, August 14, 2008

New Tougher Image

I recently took up smoking Lucky Strikes and drinking and talking trash, hoping to snag some babe with low self esteem who can crochet eyes, ears, nose, arms... and so forth.


tut-tut said...


L just asked where you were, and you turn up on Betty's comments. I'll have to bookmark you.

taco said...

I've been out west, in the canyons, it was a trip.

Betty said...

I was wondering the same!
I'm also wondering why you haven't done a 'hair' post for theme thursday ....
Hope your trip out west was a good one!

tut-tut said...

Thanks for visiting, Taco; hope you encounter said babe . . .

hpy said...

I'm not good at crochet, and I'm not too sure about my low self esteem, but I hope that you'll find someone, some day.

WAT said...

Careful with that cig, u might catch yourself on fire and well...


taco said...

I'm flame retardant

Catlin said...

I can't crochet for shit!

I'm sorry.

Well, where is I? I'm standin' right next to you!

Wish you all the best for 2009 too:-)

tut-tut said...

Are you back, perchance, Taco?